It all started here.

I have always found ways to express my creativity in art and music growing up. I have played cello for nine years and violin and piano since I was six years old. I also took an interest in fashion from a young age; I was always trying new styles of clothes, and putting together outfits in online games. My family and friends always looked to me for fashion advice, saying that I had “the eye for design”. Later, I started my own body product business called Chica Fresca (fresh girl in Spanish) and created the branding myself – labels, business cards, and website.

Graphic design is specifically interesting to me – I love taking my passion for art and my “eye for design”, putting it together with technology and psychological principles, and being able to help others create something beautiful for their website, business, or other occasion. 

Pursuing a marketing degree was the perfect blend of all my interests – entrepreneurship, creativity, and psychology.